Object Gallery brings together the work of 5 Australian designers as they explore storytelling through design.
Curated by Jacqueline Power, Stories in Form is an exhibition that looks at the dynamic process of storytelling in design through narrative, manufacture, interaction and history.
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Jacqueline Power with Cinnamon Lee’s Chameleon collection of pendant lamps.
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Stitch Light by bernabeifreeman
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Anglepoise Triptych (back) and Preserving Jar Redux (front) by Henry Wilson
What ideas inspired the product? How was it made, and by whom? How does the user interact with the product? What memories does the product invoke in the user?
Elliat Rich, Ben McCarthy, bernabeifreeman, Cinnamon Lee and Henry Wilson explore these stories through their pieces, creating unexpected objects and experiences from otherwise familiar things.
Stories in Form is at Object Gallery until 24 March 2012, Tuesday-Friday 11am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm.
Object: Australian Centre for Design