Today’s launch for the Sydney Open 2012 Program revealed a diverse and intriguing selection of properties
The Historic Houses Trust chose a rather remarkable location for the launch of Open Sydney 2012. The Ian Moore designed Strelein Warehouse – a residence in Sydney’s Surry Hills – is almost ultra contemporary in its stark black and white interior.
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1 Bligh Street
But, as Sydney Open ambassador Tim ’Rosso’ Ross highlighted at this mornings address, the beauty, and indeed the success, of Open Sydney lies in the program’s diversity and the organiser’s broad handed approach to showcasing architecture, intriguing spaces and unseen places.
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Kharkov House
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St James Church
Running from the 2nd to the 4th of November as part of the Sydney Architecture Festival, the program will include immense public buildings, private residences, unknown underground secrets and a host of guided events and Focus Tours.
Queen Victoria Building Dome
David Jones Ballroom
With venues broken up into three categories: Awarded and New Sites, Heritage Sites and Underground/Overground Sites, the ticket holder is afforded an exciting range of options.
Sydney Grammar Music Hall
Tank Stream
Historic Houses Trust Director Kate Clark says:
“One of the wonderful things about Sydney Open is it gives you the chance to explore and appreciate places that are normally off limits or that you might have been walking past every day and wanted to see inside”
The Hyde Apartments
Sydney Open 2012
Sydney Architecture Festival
Images courtesy of Historic Houses Trust