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Indesign Magazine | Issue 82 – Hospitable Design

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Well the last months have been a roller coaster ride haven’t they? We have been finding our way forward, adapting as we go and Indesign has been powering ahead and making its presence felt. As a media company it’s heartening to see just how Indesign has adroitly made virtual it’s own, successfully re-imagining and re-inventing all manner of media to engage with our community. The team has worked overtime to ensure success, as this is a defining time for our industry, but Indesign has risen to the challenge and is continuing, dare I say, to shine.

Since March we have had to do everything differently creating new platforms and formats in which to engage. We have presented a plethora of digital offerings such as the Design after Distancing webinar series, CPD Live, The Edits, The Collections and the INDES.Awards, as well as this magazine becoming a fully digital online publication. The year has all been about communicating and interacting and the upshot of this is being a part of a supported network.

While we all face changes to our lives and work, it is apparent through the pandemic that we crave human connectivity. Being social is a part of our DNA and so it is fitting that Indesign 82 is the Hospitable Design issue. Within our projects and thought leadership articles we investigate the way hospitality design has organically morphed into ‘hospitable design’; how traditional ideas have changed and what this means to every sector of the industry. We see the hospitality paradigm influencing commercial, workplace, education, retail and healthcare projects to create environments that re-calibrate the way we experience life and engage. The projects featured are disparate, however each is an exemplar in its field, and together they represent the diverse ways in which we connect these days.

And talking of outstanding projects, this year the digital INDES.Awards gala evening was presented as a spectacular video showcase of the best projects from the Indo-Pacific region. We all came together to enjoy an evening that was very different to the norm and it was wonderful to see all those faces on the screen, have a chance to say hello and to be able to celebrate the shortlisted and winners – albeit not in person but still together.

In the following pages we present the winning projects, practices and objects and I’m sure you will agree they are a remarkable display of exceptional talent. Congratulations to the winners, shortlisted and to everyone who entered and a special thank you to our supporters who make the awards possible each year.

As we move towards the end of 2020 there is another event on the horizon. The usual format of Saturday Indesign has been rethought and details will be released shortly.

At this time one can’t help but reflect on the year to date. So much has happened but what is crystal clear is that design is at the forefront of the challenges we face. There is a unique opportunity to shape the future and the results are certain to be surprising, however architecture and design can and will lead the way.

Take care, keep well and I hope you enjoy Indesign issue 82.

Jan Henderson | Acting Editor

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