EYES is the annual showcase of design projects by students in the Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture and the Master of Urban Design programs at the University of Melbourne. Story continues below advertisement The event incorporates the inaugural Oculus exhibition, featuring projects by Research Higher Degree students in the form of giant posters. […]
EYES is the annual showcase of design projects by students in the Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture and the Master of Urban Design programs at the University of Melbourne.
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The event incorporates the inaugural Oculus exhibition, featuring projects by Research Higher Degree students in the form of giant posters. The exhibition reflects the diversity and relevance of the work being conducted by MSD research students and presents projects that traverse architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, planning and construction.
GradEx is the annual exhibition of projects by graduating architecture students from the Melbourne School of Design at the University of Melbourne.
What: EYES 2011: Year End Show Design Exhibition
When: 11-18 November, 9am-5pm (opening party Friday 11 Nov at 5:30pm)
Where: Architecture Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville
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What: Oculus: visioning a compassionate environment
When: 11-18 November (opening party Friday 11 Nov at 5:30pm)
Where: Atrium Annex, Architecture Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville
What: GradEx 2011
When: 18-23 November 10am-4pm (opening party Friday 18 November at 6pm)
Where: Manysquaremetres, Level 2, 10 Elizabeth St, Kensington
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Melbourne School of Design