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Expert Drainage Solutions Tailored for the Health Care and Aged Care Industries

Linear drainage is a cutting-edge drainage solution that delivers level-plane, ‘zero stepdown’ drainage for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Expert Drainage Solutions Tailored for the Health Care and Aged Care Industries


March 3rd, 2015

Unlike conventional drainage solutions, lineal designs conform to the strict accessibility requirements of the AS-1428, whilst ensuring superior drainage flow. As the inventor and proud pioneer of this unique drainage system, Stormtech Pty Ltd is recognised globally as an industry leader in design, consultation and manufacture of lineal drainage.


The benefits that a lineal solution can bring over centralised drainage solutions for today’s Aged Care facilities are numerous. Lineal drainage solutions are designed to work with a single gradient fall, they remove the necessity of the hob, allowing seamless and self-sufficient access for residents (for e.g. including those using wheelchairs, walkers and frames) eliminating a dangerous trip hazard.


Lineal drainage solutions are also designed to eliminate traditional barriers and expand the area of drainage. With less need for a carer to assist entry, residents are offered more personal access into the shower space. Stormtech’s vinyl clamp (providing a screw down flange to mechanically clamp the vinyl beneath), offers seamless integration into vinyl floor surfaces commonly found in care settings.


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