Andrea Stevens

Published by
September 7, 2010

Andrea is Indesign’s New Zealand correspondent, inspired by the creative people she meets and the places she visits. Story continues below advertisement   What you do: I write about people, architecture, art and design. I collaborate with New Zealand architecture photographer Simon Devitt. Where you live: Point Chevalier, a harbour-side suburb close to Auckland City, […]

andrea stevens

Andrea is Indesign’s New Zealand correspondent, inspired by the creative people she meets and the places she visits.

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What you do: I write about people, architecture, art and design. I collaborate with New Zealand architecture photographer Simon Devitt.

Where you live: Point Chevalier, a harbour-side suburb close to Auckland City, New Zealand.

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Favourite designer/design: I love Japanese architecture, and particularly Kengo Kuma’s work. His work is so distinctively of Japan. The simplicity, the spirituality and the way he uses natural materials is just exquisite.

Favourite design destination: Milan or Paris would do.

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Inspiration: I love film, food, mother nature, fine art, decorative art…it’s endless really. The creative people I interview and the places I visit are a continuous source of wonder for me.

Work in progress: A book about a place up north.

Other areas of interest: My children and their crazy, lively selves. I am also teaching myself screen printing and graphic design.